Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Indian In The CupboardThe Indian In The Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh my, I had never read this book before as it seems almost all children have. I am 20 years old and I loved it! The best books are the books that span the age range! The Indian in the Cupboard is about a boy named Omri living with his family in England. For Omri's birthday, he gets two seemingly odd birthday presents. From his best friend, Patrick, he gets a plastic indian that Patrick had no use for, and from one of his brothers, an old cupboard that he found outside. The indian bores and almost irritates Omri, but the cupboard intrigues him. He finds a key amongst his mother's collection of keys that mysteriously fits the lock, and in desiring to store something in his now lockable cupboard, places the indian inside and goes to sleep. Next thing he knows, he is awoken to a strange sound from inside the cupboard. Yes, something is moving inside the cupboard. A little nervous and confused, he opens the door and there stands his toy indian.. only he is not a toy anymore...

Omri learns about respect, friendship, and responsibilty in this exciting, unique, and very entertaining tale of a British boy, an American Indian, and a Western Cowboy!

As a side note, I would not recommend the 1995 version of the movie...

View all my reviews

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