Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Okay, so things are gettin' a little crazy... I'm back in school. Senior year (BYU-I). English Major. Let's just say there is reading happening. Lot's of it. 
I am currently in the middle of 4 posts... there are so many great things to share!

Coming soon...
-Jane Austen love
-William Shakespeare
-Short story discoveries
-The Hunger Games book/movie post

In the meantime, be entertained by this video:

Julian Smith is a... special person..


tammy said...

I love your blogs. I love hearing about the books you read. I will be anxiously waiting to hear about your coming soon titles.

Derrick Clements said...

Hooray for English majors! In my Lit and Film class this term we have been reading Pride and Prejudice and watching lots of clips from the various versions in class. Amazing to see the differences in the different film adaptations. The A&E one is kind of, objectively the best, no possible other opinion could exist. :) Right? Although the cinematography is gorgeous (as is the music) of the 2005 Kiera Knightly one, the A&E one captures the characterizations in such a more profound and interesting way. We also saw an earlier A&E version which I did not know existed, and it is amazingly bad. As if the actors were reciting the lines without understanding them.

Excited to have found your blog!

Hannah said...

I agree completely! The A&E version definitely stays closest to the book. Although, I have to admit, the 2005 version is still my favorite. I thought the cinematography was, of course, fantastic, and I thought they did a good job of cutting out scenes that were not detrimental to the story. Of course, that's always worrisome to the lovers of the original text, but they did well. Also, I like Jane in the 2005 version better. It's always interesting to see the many different interpretations of literature! Screen plays, books, short stories, etc. Love it all! That Lit and Film class must be fascinating!

Hannah said...

And thanks Mom!!! :)

mom said...

That is an interesting and extremely accurate way to describe bad acting. It kind of ends up being the difference between singing a song you understand the words and singing a song that you don't care about the words. A good example is Neil Diamond and his Christmas album!!