Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ok so I just finished On The Night of the Seventh Moon by Victoria Holt. Well I finished it last sunday. I really enjoyed it! It was interesting to me to read something from that part of the world. I've read books set in the Americas and in England and other places like that. Ive read Greek and Roman myths and histories but I've never really known much about Germany. The places she went to were called like The Damenstift (the school she went to as a young girl) and the schloss and other words like that. It included a lot of myths and folklore from the little town she goes to (i forget the name). I guess I'm not even sure that its all true, but it's cool anyway. Loke, the god of mischeif they say is out on the night of the seventh moon (hence the title) and that good respectable people basically go crazy for a night. They have a bunch of stories and suspertisions.
So the story is a mystery/romance. And it is a good mystery! About drove me crazy! Victoria Holt really deeloped the story well, going from Helen as a young immature girl to an experienced woman. You go right along with Helen the whole time, learning and figuring out the mystery as she does. Although that gets annoying not knowing, it makes it realistic and fun! And the romance is very sweet and pretty intense! Also, it is set in the times of Dukes and princes and Kings and castles! Such a good book! So easy to get into to! I loved it!

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