Monday, December 12, 2011

Thirty Nine Steps

The Thirty-Nine Steps (Dover Thrift Editions)Heavens, it has been a while! Crazy, crazy semester right now. But quickly, right now I am reading a book called Thirty Nine Step for my Victorian/Modern period British Literature class. It was written in 1915 (Modern period) and was one of the first of the "man on the run" thriller archetype. It is the first in a series of Richard Hannay adventure/mystery novels, kind of like the modern day Jack Ryan from the popular thriller novels by author Tom Clancy. Alfred Hitchcock made an adaption of the Richard Hannay stories.
So, just for that historical aspect of it, it is an interesting book. But, I have very much enjoyed the story as well. It is a pretty quick read and a fun story. I'm not quite finished with it yet, but I am excited to find out what happens to Hannay! He's on the run and right in the middle a deep seeded conspiracy!

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