Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Live at the Library...

My school's library opens at 7 am, Monday through Saturday, and closes at 11:30 (really they start playing Lion King or something equally ridiculous and kind of awesome at 11:15 or so, successfully stopping all productivity because who can help but dance and sing along?? Last night it was Newsies and my friend, Stephen, knew all the words and moves. Yes. He is great). Since it is finals week and I volunteered to do the grunt work of a group project (I thought I was supposed to get smarter in college...), I have spent almost three days straight in the library. In the same spot. On the same Mac desk top. Okay, so actually I spent a day being sick, then that night at the library trying to figure out how to get the files for this project (while my roommate managed to spill water water on my laptop), then 7:25am to 11:30pm the next day, THEN 7am to well, now, here. Here in this spot. On this blasted computer. 
That first night something crazy happened with the files and the largeness of them and the smallness of my jump drive and there was a couple of tussles with the library staff 20 minutes after they were supposed to be closed (thank goodness Stephen stayed with me!). And the next day after it was encoded and rendered and probably some other techy word, I opened the final product only to find it had cut off the last three minutes. Luckily, last night, I didn't shut my computer off right and it was still there this morning so I could fix it. Anyway. Basically, I want a nap. 
The project that took me so long is finally done though (I think only through divine providence...) and besides all my complaining, it was actually fun and turned out pretty cool. 
I am in a Shakespeare class, as I think I have shared before. Our project was to recreate one of Shakespeare's plays with my group. So, if anyone is familiar with Shakespeare, please don't be offended... He is probably rolling over in his grave. But, gosh, we sure had fun with it. 
It is based off the play The Merchant of Venice (which we turned into The Merchant at BYU-Idaho.. get ready for some Mormon jokes). It's kind of embarrassing and probably won't make a ton of sense if you have never read the play.. but here it is.

I was going to put the actual video here but it won't let me for some reason, so here is the link:

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