Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was so great! I love historical fictions because they sometimes can teach you more than just studying a time period or event because they put you, personally, in that time. You can feel it all around you, depending on how well it is written and how accurate. Alice Hoffman wrote quite an amazing historical fiction. She just jumps right in with getting to know this medieval character instead of giving much background of the time. Estrella de Madrigal is a young girl about 15ish living in Spain with her grandparents and mother. Her best friend is Catalina. As Estrella begins to grow up she is forced into a realization of what the world can really be like. A family secret is revealed to Estrella and as Catalinas cousin, Andres, comes to stay with her and causes the hidden rift that had been forming under wraps between Catalina and Estrella to take shape. Catalina feels betrayed and in turn betrays her best friend by telling a secret that she wasnt even supposed to know. This causes a series of events that has life changing, life destroying consequences for the Madirgal family. It was so easy to get involved in this book and the characters and to learn a little of the terrible things going on at the time. It gives you a different perspective of the world.

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