Thursday, June 17, 2010

Love That Dog Love That Dog by Sharon Creech

My rating: 4 of 5 stars This was a very, very quick read. It was very cute, about a boy named Jack coming to terms with poetry, and, it seemed, at the same time learning about himself, his potential, and life in general through the assignments from his teacher, Mrs. Stretchberry. He was a very endearing little narrator and it was really interesting to have the story be told in poetry form and strictly from the one character. I very much enjoyed this cute book of Jacks poetry. 86 pages. Favorite Jack Poems: "Sometimes when you are trying not to think about something it keeps popping back into your head you can't help it you think about it and think about it and think about it until your brain feels like a squashed pea." "LOVE THAT DOG (Inspired by Walter Dean Myers) By Jack ......." The rest would be too much of a spoiler though... View all my reviews >>

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