Thursday, June 17, 2010

Missing May Missing May by Cynthia Rylant

My rating: 4 of 5 stars This was such a great short book. A sad, but somehow happy story, cathartic. It was about a little girl who's parents had died as a baby and she was passed around from Aunt to Uncle, back and forth, never feeling completely welcome or loved until Aunt May and Uncle Ob came to visit. They decided right then and there to take her back to their humble trailer home in Virginia. For six years she lives with Aunt May and Uncle Ob before tragedy falls on their little family; Aunt May passed away leaving the two of them to try and figure out how to live with out her. This is about Summer and Ob's journey to find May in their lives again. Summers quirky friend, Cletus Underwood comes along and helps with his strange, but confident and happy ways. It is an unexpectedly feel good story about life, loss, moving on, family, acceptance, and love. It is 89 pages. View all my reviews >>

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